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David Sexton


"Harken: Seems odd you'd name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of.
马尔:可能是失败的一方. 还是不相信是错的." - Firefly


One of the things I tell my students – “You can’t gain experience without experiences”.


I have 30 years of law enforcement experience, 17 of which serving as a small town police chief. I carved out a niche working for tourist and resort destinations that present the additional challenge of widely increasing and decreasing diverse seasonal populations with high customer service expectations. I’ve been blessed to live and work in some of the most scenic and exciting locals in Washington and Alaska where most people dream of vacationing.


I have been certified as a police officer on the highest attainable level in both Washington and Alaska. I have attended the Northwest Law Enforcement Executive Command College and the by-invitation-only FBI National Academy in Quantico, VA.


I recently served as the Executive Director to the Alaska Police Standards Council. 理事会核证(并在必要时取消核证)所有宣誓, 委托警察, 州里的惩教和缓刑官. 我还认证了阿拉斯加所有的执法培训人员和培训师. 这一职位是根据总督的意愿任命和服务的.


Educationally I have served as an Assistant Professor / Law Enforcement Program Manager at the University of Alaska Southeast, 编写和创建新课程并为新课程招募学生, 首次提供刑事司法学位. I also served as a full time faculty member and director of the criminal justice program at Clatsop Community College in Astoria, 在俄勒冈州,我能够更新和扩展他们的项目. 在过去的十几年里,我教刑事司法, 公共管理和通识教育课程在线或在校, full or part-time for several public and private colleges in all four Western states.


澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载,我一直努力教授核心必修课以外的课程. 我增加了新的选修课和高年级课程的深度和广度, 我担任社会科学系主任.


I enjoy sitting on either side of the desk in the ivory towers of higher education as both a career student and educator. I have an earned Bachelor’s Degree in Community Studies from the Evergreen State College; a liberal arts degree emphasizing research, problem solving, decision-making, politics, 为社区的需求和福祉做规划. My Master’s Degree in Justice Administration from the University of Alaska is a sibling degree to their well-established public administration program. My master’s thesis on the tenure and turnover of small town police chiefs focused on the achievement, 障碍和通往成功的各种途径.


我深信社区服务. 我曾在许多志愿者委员会和委员会工作或担任主席. I have actively worked my way to President-elect for three different 国际扶轮社 clubs – always moving on to a new opportunity in a new town before getting to sit in the big chair. 我是保罗·哈里斯研究员.


I discovered my love of Nevada and the high desert while living inside Yosemite National Park (where I managed the patrol/investigations division of the security department for three years) and exploring the Eastern Sierra’s and Nevada on my time off. 我期待着探索鬼城, old mining camps, hot springs… and a more than occasional geezer rock or country music concerts at the surrounding venues!



Office Location: dit 129,埃尔科校区
Phone: 775.327.2265

Office Hours

  • 星期二:下午二时至四时
  • 星期三:中午十二时至下午二时
  • 星期四:上午十时至下午十二时
  • 其他预约时间


  • 硕士-阿拉斯加大学
  • 学士-常青州立学院
  • AA -贝尔维尤社区学院



  • 最好的斯开威警察记录卷1 & 2
    By D. Sexton & J. Brady





  • Hot springs
  • Ghost towns
  • 旧的采矿营地
  • Country music
  • 怪杰摇滚音乐会
  • 美国内华达州咨询委员会成员.S. 公民权利委员会
  • 加州小径遗产联盟董事会成员
  • 国际警察局长协会
  • 刑事司法科学家学会
  • 国际扶轮社


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Whether or not syllabi are posted here is up to the discretion of the faculty member.
CRJ 104
Title: 司法概论
目录描述: American criminal justice system, its development, components, and processes. Includes consideration of crime and criminal justice as a formal area of study.
My Comments:  
CRJ 106
Title: 校正简介
目录描述: 矫正的历史和发展. 矫正制度的现行做法和问题.
My Comments:  
CRJ 120
Title: 社区关系
目录描述: Analyzes the reasons and techniques for developing communication and understanding between the criminal justice system and various segments of the community.
My Comments:  
CRJ 164
Title: 刑事调查概论
目录描述: 法医科学I -犯罪现场跟进. 调查的基本原理, 犯罪现场搜索和录音, 物证的收集和出示, scientific aids, 信息来源, 案例准备, 面谈和审讯, and follow-up.
My Comments:  
CRJ 180
Title: 安全概论
目录描述: 保安服务职能的历史与发展, 与法律程序的相互关系, career roles, 以及各类安全组织的操作流程.
My Comments:  
CRJ 201
Title: 刑事司法系统中的女性
目录描述: Overall view of both sides and the roles in which women participate in the Criminal Justice System. The main concentration of the course will be in the following areas: theories of female criminality, 女性犯罪程度, women as victims, 女性是罪犯, 妇女作为被告和囚犯, 女性作为从业者和专业人士, i.e.警察、法庭和惩教所.
My Comments:  
CRJ 211
Title: 美国警察
目录描述: 课程包括政策历史和组织, 警务工作的个人方面, 警方的行动, 警务工作的关键问题, 具体的警务问题, 警察中的妇女和少数民族, 成为一名警察. 旨在帮助学生形成自己的执法理念. 批判性思维和讨论的想法和意见是必不可少的.
My Comments:  
CRJ 215
Title: 缓刑及假释
目录描述: Survey of the probation and parole systems of the United States including different systems within the United States; executive clemency; parole; rights of prisoners, probationers, and parolees; treatment strategies; and administrative aspects. Includes correctional and professional aspects of the parole and probation officers: the role, 准备缓刑摘要, 和缓刑官在法庭上待一天, 还有和假释官相处的时间.
My Comments:  
CRJ 220
Title: 刑事程序
目录描述: Origin, development, and rationale of the structural and procedural aspects of America's criminal justice system. Emphasis on arrest, 搜查及扣押, confessions, and related legal issues.
My Comments:  
CRJ 230
Title: Criminal Law
目录描述: 包括犯罪要件的实体刑法, intent, attempts, 搜查及扣押, 还有逮捕法. Relation of criminal law to working police officer and rights and duties of both citizen and officer under criminal law.
My Comments:  
CRJ 265
Title: 物证概论
目录描述: 法医科学II -从犯罪实验室到法庭. Surveys the forensic sciences to show their role in the use of physical evidence in matters of criminal and/or civil law. 关注现代科学考察的价值.
My Comments:  
CRJ 270
Title: 犯罪学概论
目录描述: Examines how society interacts with crime and delinquency through the use of the criminal justice system. Studies effective interaction and communication between the general public and members of the criminal justice system. Emphasizes the understanding of criminal behavior from a sociological and psychological perspective.
My Comments:  
CRJ 285
Title: 刑事司法专题
目录描述: 审议刑事司法中的专题和问题. 选择将取决于当前的兴趣和需要. 无限的可重复性.
My Comments:  
CRJ 289
Title: Law and Justice
目录描述: Survey of law and justice from a multi-disciplinary perspective with special emphasis on comparative justice systems, race, ethnicity, and gender.
My Comments:  
CRJ 444
Title: 犯罪学的理论
目录描述: Comprehensive interdisciplinary examination of theories of criminal etiology from neurological, biochemical, genetic, psychological, psychiatric, social, 经济和政治观点.
My Comments:  
CRJ 469
Title: 心理学与法律体系
目录描述: 从心理学角度理解法律问题. 主题包括警察心理学, 目击者的准确性, 陪审团的决策, 受审能力, 刑事责任, civil commitment, 暴力风险评估, 矫治心理学, 犯罪心理分析, 以及受害的心理影响.
My Comments:  
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